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Community Spirit Gaming Association Kingston
Who Are We ?

About Us

Community Spirit Gaming Association is a membership of charities that fundraise in Kingston Ontario. Charitable Gaming (known as cGaming) at Community Spirit is one of the best kept secrets in Kingston. 

It is long-term, sustainable funding. Once a charity is a member of the Community Spirit Gaming Association, they can raise funds for years to come, as long as they continue to fulfill all contractual requirements. This is unlike most funding models which typically end after a few years. The charities outlined on this site have signed a contract with Community Spirit Gaming Association (CSGA). This contract means the organizations are responsible for complying and participating in all policies and standards, training programs, and other tools that are developed or implemented by your Charitable Gaming Centre Association, Ontario Charitable Gaming Association (OCGA), and Ontario Lottery and Gaming (OLG). Each charity holds a permit to fundraise at Community Spirit Gaming Centre (the business) and sends volunteers to provide important customer service.
These charities then automatically become a member of Community Spirit Gaming Association (CSGA), which is a charitable association. The Association’s job is to support membership charities in managing their Charitable Gaming permit. CSGA is guided in policies and standards by the Ontario Charitable Gaming Association (OCGA), a provincial organization that advocates for charities or non-profit member organizations, like the ones noted here, at the provincial level. Community Spirit Gaming Centre (CSGC) is a privately-owned business that is bound by the policies and standards of Ontario Lottery and Gaming. Community Spirit Gaming Association, with the OLG, pays the centre a fee in order to use this site for volunteering. Community Spirit Gaming Association works cooperatively with Community Spirit Gaming Centre. Your earned revenue comes to the Association from the OLG and is then distributed monthly to the membership charities.

Become a Member


Member Charities

100s of

Programs Supported

​500 Million 

Dollars raised for local communities

Who We Are

Our Board of Directors

President: Brenda Fox

Vice President: Jan Norgate

Treasurer: Deborah Hamilton

Secretary: Dawn Snyder

Member At Large: Dan McGrath

Member At Large: Sharon Campbell